Support Stories

Why Yoga will Work for You!

Written by Cancer Support Community | Mar 24, 2023 7:14:21 PM

What is Yoga? Will it help me throughout my journey with cancer?

Well, if you’ve ever taken a look at our monthly program calendar, it should come as no surprise that we are big fans of yoga. With yoga classes being offered at CSC at least twice a week, one might wonder, “Why do they think yoga is so helpful?”  That is a great question and here is our answer in short: it helps heal the mind and body in just sixty minutes.

Lorna Borenstein’s mother was battling cancer and was persuaded to start attending weekly yoga classes. Like us, she wanted to know how yoga could truly benefit her mother during and after her fight with cancer. Lorna wrote in The Huffington Post about her mother’s cancer journey and the fascinating facts she discovered through Harvard Medical School of Mental Health and Duke University . Here is what she found:

  1. Yoga Helps Manage Fear, Depression & Anxiety

If you or someone you know has ever battled cancer, you know that it is one of the most difficult times in a person’s life filled with heavy anxiety and often times, depression. Studies have shown that the breathing exercises that are practiced during yoga can “positively affect immune function, autonomic nervous system imbalances, and psychological or stress-related disorders.” Basically put, these breathing exercises can aid the respiratory system and help regulate nerves to heal the body and mind.

  1. The “Mood Boost” Effect

While doing any type of exercise, the human body will release endorphins, which is a chemical in the body that will naturally enhance your mood. Being that yoga is an exercise, no matter how mild it may be, yoga will help your body release endorphins to put a little more pep in your step!

  1. Helps Manage Physical Pain

Research has shown that emotional stress can also cause physical pain, however moderate physical activity, such as yoga, can help reduce and manage the pain. In fact, women who actively participate in yoga after their treatments have reported having less stress and physical pain!

  1. A Yoga Community Can Provide Support

(This is clearly something we know all about!) Having a support system at any capacity is proven to aid anyone in their cancer journey, whether as patients, caregivers, or loved ones. Having a community of people to talk to that understands what you are going through will make the mental healing process feel a little easier.

Still not convinced that yoga will benefit you in the long-run? That’s okay, maybe you just need to find out for yourself! Register for a class and come join us every Monday at 11:00 AM or Thursday at 4:00 PM. Click the link to our website below and find another one of our programs to attend.

Calendar & Events at Cancer Support Community

To read Lorna’s article in it’s entirety, click here.