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Local Support Stories

Read more about the cancer journey's of some of our participants. 

3 min read

Mesothelioma Isn’t Going Anywhere

For more information please visit, https://www.mesotheliomaguide.com/mesothelioma/ In the latter half of the 20th century, the general public learned of the dangers of asbestos. They learned the substance is, in fact, a carcinogen, one that can lead to aggressive diseases such as mesothelioma.

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Greg running barefoot during a marathon

1 min read

We Celebrate Greg

Greg was training for a half ironman triathlon in 2014 as a tribute to the wife of a friend who has passed away the year before. Greg had been having...

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Lynn holding a character drawing of herself during a cancer support society event.

2 min read

Meet Lynn

Lynn B. had a feeling that something was wrong in December 2013. After talking with her doctor’s office about it, the doctor recommended a mammogram...

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Mary during chemo with gloves on to protect her skin.

2 min read

Meet Mary

Mary Sheskey MSW, LSW For more than 40 years, my professional career had been as a graphic and package designer. I had provided services to...

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Trish standing in front plant

3 min read

Meet Trish

Trish’s Story The page on my calendar had turned to November 2017. It was time to start planning for the holidays, which, in my family, is a season...

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Tori looking to show enthusiasm

2 min read

Hope for the Holidays

Tori was experiencing pain and fatigue that she thought were related to her work as a Sous Chef and a second job as seasonal Food and Beverage...

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Sunblock lotions with a hat on a beach

1 min read

Don’t Go on a Walk Without Your Sunblock!

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, “it is estimated that nearly 9,500 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with skin cancer every day.”...

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Book cover for Return to Sex and Intimacy for cancer survivors and their partners

1 min read

Return to Sex & Intimacy – For Cancer Survivors and their Partners

Michael J. Russer and Jacqueline V. Lopez are partners who work together to help others understand the challenges of maintaining a romantic...

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Rosalynn standing proudly next to her tree.

2 min read

This Place Is Like A Flower

“It’s like a flower to me.” That’s how Rosalyn Green describes Cancer Support Community. Rosalyn is a regular attendee at the Qigong, Tai Chi and...

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Cheryl holding a character drawing of herself during a event held at Cancer Support Society.

1 min read

A Place of So Many Thank You's

One sentence, three words— “You have cancer.” Hearing this once is enough for an entire lifetime, but for Cheryl Eddy, that was not the case. Over...

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