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Local Support Stories

Read more about the cancer journey's of some of our participants. 

2 min read

My Cancer Journey: Scotch, Wigs and Board Service, by Susan Haller

I first discovered my own “breast cancer suspicion” stepping out of a shower in Stamford, Connecticut, in the spring of 1995. After noticing some shape anomalies, I muttered a few unpleasant observances and continued with my day. I had just extended a business trip to spend a few days with my mom, who was on the downhill slide with lung cancer.

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JoAnne Buzaglo offering insights on how to empower patients

3 min read

Empowering Patients to Become Effective Self-Advocates

When it comes to self-advocacy, we talk a good game. We tell patients to ask questions, to seek clarification when they don’t understand the answers...

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Stuart Scott holding winning an award

1 min read

Why We Don’t ‘Battle’ Cancer

Often times we hear people say they are ‘battling cancer’ or that they are ‘fighting with cancer.’ In war, there is always a winner and a loser, and...

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David's testicular cancer journey, image of David

3 min read

Rev. David W. Nuhfer’s Survivor Story

I am a cancer survivor. In February 1983, I was told something I had never imagined hearing. “You have testicular cancer,” the doctor said.

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1 min read

Hope is Always There by Michael Elmer

Cancer has made me an orphan. Cancer has desensitized me to death. Cancer left a hole in me.

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1 min read

“Beards for the Boys” Cancer Awareness Campaign

Have you been looking for a good excuse to grow your beard? You just found one!

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2 min read

Three Simple Diet Changes to Get You Feeling Stronger and Healthier

Health and wellness is important for all of us, but especially for those living with cancer. The food choices you make each day will directly affect...

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3 min read

Being a Community

Written by: Angie Santangelo, Program Director at Cancer Support Community Central Ohio

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2 min read

Ruth’s Experience with Guided Patient Services

In honor of Private Professional Patient Advocate Week, we are featuring Annette Ticoras, M.D., of Guided Patient Services. Annette has shared the...

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1 min read

25 Tips to Consider on Your Journey with Cancer

Here at Cancer Support Community we know that being diagnosed with cancer is one of the most trying times in anyone’s life, which is why we make it...

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